MISSION: To Make Quality Health & Fitness Accessible For All Atlantic Canadians.  Period, It's FREE

Join these sessions LIVE or watch the recordings after (all times AST).  

Lost 52 pounds

CBC with Colleen Jones

What You Get With The Program

Access to all live Evolve At Home Workouts Including:

-Full body strength based boot camps.  No equipment needed but one weight or a towel is helpful.  2-4x a week is great for these to build muscle and strength

 -Evolve Fitness Forever over 50 small group.

You will also have access to recorded videos any time including:

-ALL live workouts above become recordings

-follow along spin workouts

-stretching and mobility routines

-beginner boot camps

-mindfulness and meditation


-A comprehensive exercise library with short and long videos to teach you proper form 

You will also get access to group coaching including:

-access to our theme months and special challenges surrounding health & fitness goals

-weekly Q&A sessions live and recordings available

-prizes monthly for sticking with your goals

-a private group for only Evolve At Home clients.  This is where the magic is and you'll be part of a community of people with common goals sharing motivation, tips, meet ups, and so much more

Who Is Evolve At Home For?

Those who don't currently go to the gym (or can't right now):

This is PERFECT for you.  You've got gym quality workouts from your home, your deck, your yard or wherever you want.  Strength, cardio, yoga, & mobility at your fingertips both live and recorded for you to view any time with a click of a button.

Those who currently go to a big box gym

This is GREAT for you! You'll get workouts you can do at your gym with just a quick 3-5 minute instruction then GO!  And then you have the added benefit of jumping into an at home workout if you don't feel like the gym that day or are traveling.  AND you get cardio classes, yoga, and mobility to spice up the routine

Those who are too nervous/anxious for a public gym (super normal)

We LOVE you so much.  Evolve in person is a truly special place with 81 year olds, 50, 16 and everywhere in between all ages and fitness levels.  And while it is non intimidating, we know how tough it can be to take that first step.  Joining online is great because you get all of the amazing workouts without the need to walk into a gym.  You also have the choice to turn your screen on or off, so if you aren't feeling like being seen you don't have to.  The workouts are at your own pace, but you can take breaks and get sweaty and out of breathe without anyone seeing!

Those who go to a boutique gym that doesn't offer something we do

This is a great ADDITION to your routine for an affordable cost.  Your boutique gym is awesome and you have a great community there.  But if you go to a yoga studio, now you can add strength and cardio in or if you go to a boot camp gym, now you can add in yoga for a fraction of the cost of having memberships all over town plus get a new community of supportive coaches and friends.

Those who don't have time

WE GOT YOU!  Listen, you are busy.  15 min to and from the gym can cost you precious time with family.  Now you can roll out of bed, workout and shower before the kids are up.  Or you can do the workouts in your office at lunch time or outside when it works for you.  Every hour of the day counts, but reducing transit time and getting ready is important for you.

Running late a lot to the gym and sometimes skip it instead?

BOOM, you are stuck in traffic and are going to miss your class or you snoozed by accident and it's 5:55am and your class starts at 6.  We got you, just jump in on a live class or a recording!

Yoga? Dang I want to do that but I am way too nervous to go into a yoga studio

This is my favourite one.  We have so many clients who are too nervous to walk into a yoga studio who now do yoga multiple times per week and are following along at their own pace.  


Sign up today, create a log in and you'll be ready for your first workout right away
November 10th 2024
By Matt & Mitch Benvie
Hey Ya'll
We've got your back with a community based at home health and fitness program that goes far beyond just the workouts.

The truth is, we have always had virtual training on our radar and have dabbled in it a few times but we always failed because we were too busy with our in person clients.  And rightfully so, they are the absolute best people ever and we love them dearly.

But then COVID 19 happened and we were forced into making virtual training happen, and FAST.  The day after we closed, we hosted a few workouts from our phones, and within 3 days we had a full schedule of 8 sessions per day.  And it was good, and needed, but we wanted it to be GREAT.

So we got some expert help and built ourselves a makeshift studio....(in my opinion) better than Peleton.  Now we can't beat their bikes and spin classes, but we can beat their boot camps, cardio and yoga and deliver you an incredible experience that will keep you on track to getting results long term.

So here we are on November 10th, having raised 100,000 for local businesses and we now have Canada's most comprehensive "local" virtual program with a community feel.  We couldn't be more excited to welcome you into our community and to have you on our team.  You are are going to be welcomed with open arms and will be a huge part of our team, no matter who you are and where you are from.

And you will get strength, cardio, yoga, mindfulness and all the group coaching you need to be successful

This isn't just another program, let's show you why!

No more fancy shiny new programs. No more BS and wasted money.

We have cut through the crap for you and came up with an easy to follow approach for anyone, regardless of your current fitness level, age, or whether you go to a gym or not.

"See you soon"

Matt & Mitch
First of all, results like this:
Member-only Benefits:
      This is where the magic happens. Coaches and members of our community, supporting each other, sharing tips, recipes, and successes. Also a chance to ask any questions.
      A boot camp gym, a yoga studio and all the cardio sessions you need under one affordable membership that you can do from home, while you travel, in the office or anywhere at all!
      Each month we will do a live group goal setting session to help clarify your goals and the steps you will need to take to get there
    • NUTRITION GUIDELINES AND ACCESS TO OUR FAT LOSS ACADEMY ($49 value)                                                                                                       While we can't offer one on one nutrition support, we do have a great habit based nutrition guide, nutrition seminar, kitchen rescue pack to help with meal prep/planning and a great nutrition calculator to help you figure out what is best for you
      Stuck for recipe ideas? No problem, each week we will send out new recipes for you to try.
      Get all of our best workouts you can do at a hotel, fast workouts when you are short on time, and a growing database of no excuse workouts that get results!  All of the recordings will be available for one month after the workouts and you will also have access to our previous library of at home workouts.
      Coaching you to be the best and healthiest you can be. We are here for you!!
    Reason One: We are putting our reputation on the line. We have already helped over 5000 Haligonians with their goals, but we want MORE. We've helped single moms, busy dads, grandparents, and everyone in between. Coming from Hilden, Nova Scotia, we value the small town life and want to help more people reach their goals and feel their best that normally wouldn't have access to our coaching.

    Reason Two: We put our money where our mouth is.  It's free and we guarantee it will be the best free fitness program and community you have ever joined.

    Reason Three: We have an arsenal of results based testimonials from our clients. These are real people who have gotten real results. Using the exact strategies we will be sharing with you. (By the way, if you can't tell from my shoddy photography, these ARE NOT made up. They are all our clients and I have so many more on file).
    Lost 39 lbs
    Lost 30 lbs
    Lost 42 lbs
    Now, we know that you are probably skeptical. After all, many gyms have continued to charge your card after months of not being there.  That is normal, but not how we operate. Don't take our word for it. Listen to what more of our clients have to say...
    Do not join Evolve At Home unless you meet the following criteria...
    If you are on the fence, I want to give you 3 criteria you absolutely, positively must have before you invest in us.

    ONE: You must be motivated! We don't want you wasting your precious time. We are here to help and we want to help you.  So be ready to jump into the program and learn as you go with our help.

    TWO: You must not get "shiny object syndrome". A main health fail is having success but then seeing some new program that promises big results fast and switching. We have done the work and are giving you only the best information, coaching and workouts.

    THREE: You must #trusttheprocess. That is a popular term in our world. Nobody got out of shape in one day so it will take time to get in shape. Consistency and sustainable changes will always win out and we will be with you every step of the way coaching you to your goals. We care about helping you lose weight but we care as much about you being a happy, healthy, and physically able grandparent :)
    Am I Ready to Make the Change? 
    Are you happy with the current state of your health and fitness?

    Are you happy with how you feel each day and your energy levels?

    Can you picture yourself running around and playing with your grandchildren when you get older?

    Are you part of a positive health and fitness community that supports your goals, no matter your starting point?

    If not, the only way to guarantee you won't feel like this anymore is to make a change. This is exactly what we want for you...

    This is exactly why we created Evolve At Home amidst all of the craziness happening in the world right now.   We want to help you reach your health and fitness goals but we also want to make you laugh, make you smile, make you dance and bring your family along with you!

    Hey, we might even inspire other people to take our lead and join in. Imagine that, you and us taking charge and setting an example for those around them! 

                                                                                                         ARE YOU WITH US? 
    The program is absolutely free!  All you have to do is sign up, join our group, head to the start here area and you are off to the races!
    Lost 50 lbs
    Lost 25 lbs
    Lost 35 lbs
    Lost 30 lbs
    Does Evolve Fitness have a physical location?
    Evolve Fitness does offer personal training, fitness forever, spin and boot camps in Halifax, Dartmouth, Truro and West Bedford.  You can inquire about Evolve services by emailing evolveathomens@gmail.com.
    Is Evolve At Home actually free?
    Yes! We do have a pay what you want option to help us cover our costs but that is totally optional.
    Is there any long term commitment? 
    No. You can join anytime and use our services as you please.  We will be there to help as needed and we know that sometimes we have periods of doing amazing with our goals and some valleys as well.  We are here to help.
    Will I have personal access to Matt & Mitch?
    Matt, Mitch, and the entire Evolve team will be active on the member group and will lead group coaching, but there is no personal coaching included in your membership
    Is nutrition coaching included?
    You will have access to our awesome habit based nutrition guides, as well as group coaching each month but unfortunately we cannot include person nutrition coaching.  We do have a dietitian and nutrition coaches available to meet with for an extra charge.
    Is this program suitable for vegetarians? 
    YES!  Our program and nutrition guidelines are all about helping you find what works best for you no matter your preferences.  We are all about building lifelong sustainable habits for YOU
    Will I lose weight and get the body of my dreams? 
    Yes!! ... if you are willing to put in the work. You will be getting the tools and support necessary to reach your fitness goals, but in the end it is up to you to put in the work. Results will vary based on your fitness goals, but great results are typically 0.5-1% of your body weight per week.
    How many days a week will I have to workout? 
    This will be up to you and your schedule. We will outline different options and different workout lengths so you can always find time.
    I don't have any equipment - can I do the program? 
    Absolutely yes! The program is modified so that all workouts can be done with no equipment, though it would be recommended that you have one dumbbell for variety.  
    I don't live in Nova Scotia - can I still join? 
    Of course! The benefit to this virtual program is you can do workouts at home or in your area. If you live anywhere in the world, you are welcome to join us, just know the workouts schedule is in Atlantic Standard Time :)
    Hey Guys,
    Just wanted to thank you for making it this far and for your interest in joining us on this exciting journey in helping more friends get healthy with an affordable cost and something that can be done without needing to ever step into a gym. We just wanted to reaffirm our commitment to you. We are nothing but a couple of hicks from Hilden who love country music and helping people achieve their fitness goals. It is an ever growing frustration to see other gyms and other sites charge awesome people money for a less than stellar product. We are small town guys who value your time and money and you can bet that our soccer cleats in high school had duct tape to cover up the holes! Join us and you can bet we are putting everythign we can into helping you get results.
    See you on the other side!
    Lost 23 lbs
    Lost 28 lbs
    Email evolveathomeNS@gmail.com if you have any questions

    Check out some more great testimonials
    Please note that while our before and afters focus on weight loss, our program is great for all fitness goals other than elite athlete performance.  

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