Evolve Class Restrictions-Please Read Carefully
Your results and experience are our number one priority.  It's important that we are honest with incoming members and hope you can work around our restrictions.  If it doesn't work out please just let us know.

We have a lot of sessions to choose from each week.  Some of those sessions always have a waiting list with our long time loyal members.  Out of respect to them, we have blocked off certain times that are not available to new members.  You will see them in Mindbody but we ask that you not book them. 

-This list of classes are the ones you cannot attend.  You'll see on the schedule this is a small amount of classes compared to how many we offer.  If you joined before Jan. 1st 2023 you have access to all classes.
-This list applies to trial offers, challenges and all new members even after your trial/challenge is over
-If you see a spot within 24 hours of the restricted time, you may book it but please do not book before then or add your name to a waiting list.

Halifax Restrictions For New Members January 1 2023 onward

Boot Camps: Monday, Wednesday Friday: 545am, 6am
Cardio: no restrictions
Yoga: no restrictions but please note these are often waitlisted and we don't have the capacity to add more.

Updated Halifax Restrictions For New Members February 1st 2024 onward (includes previous restrictions as well)

Boot Camps: Monday, Wednesday Friday: 545am, 6am, 12pm. Fridays at 6:30am
Cardio: no restrictions
Yoga: unfortunately all yoga classes are restricted for new members who joined February 1st 2024 onward

Halifax Schedule


Dartmouth Restrictions For New Members January 1 2023 onward

Boot Camps: Every weekday 6am  
Spin: Thursday 9am
Yoga: unfortunately we have no space in yoga in Dartmouth so all sessions are restricted

Updated Dartmouth Restrictions For New Members February 1st 2024 onward (includes previous restrictions as well)

Boot Camps: Every weekday 6am  & Fridays at 6:45am
Spin: Thursday 9am
Yoga: unfortunately we have no space in yoga in Dartmouth so all sessions are restricted

Updated Dartmouth Restrictions For New Members March 1st 2024 onward (includes previous restrictions as well)

Boot Camps: Every weekday 6am,  Fridays at 6:45am & Saturdays at 8:00am
Spin: Thursday 9am & Saturdays 9:00am
Yoga: unfortunately we have no space in yoga in Dartmouth so all sessions are restricted

Updated Dartmouth Restrictions For New Members March 25th 2024 onward (includes previous restrictions as well)

Boot Camps: Every weekday 6am,  MWF at 6:45am & Saturdays at 8:00am

Parent and baby boot camps: unfortunately these classes are all restricted and unavailable for new members.

Spin: Thursday 9am & Saturdays 9:00am

Yoga: unfortunately we have no space in yoga in Dartmouth so all sessions are restricted

Dartmouth Schedule


Bedford Restrictions For New Members January 1 2023 onward

Boot CampsMonday, Wednesday Friday: 6am 
Cardio: No current restrictions on cardio
Hybrids: Saturday 9am and 945am
NOTE: Bedford has an open gym area that includes cardio equipment.  You may use this on your own any time the gym is open (from the start of the first class in the morning until the start of the last class of the day)

Updated Bedford Restrictions For New Members February 1st 2024 onward (includes previous restrictions as well)

Boot CampsMonday, Wednesday Friday: 6am 
Monday & Wednesday 5:30pm
Cardio: Tuesday and Thursday 5:30pm
Hybrids: Saturday 9am and 945am
NOTE: Bedford has an open gym area that includes cardio equipment.  You may use this on your own any time the gym is open (from the start of the first class in the morning until the start of the last class of the day - weekdays only)

Bedford Schedule


Truro Restrictions For New Members August 1 2024 onward

No restrictions to Truro classes

Truro Schedule Schedule


Fitness Forever Restrictions

No restrictions and Fitness Forever is not available for 6 weeks for $1 or 30 day free trials.  Join your Fitness Forever Trial here only.

Fitness Forever Schedules (Note: You may only attend one location for this service due to smaller session sizes and offerings across locations)

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