No B.S. + Behind the Scenes logos

Why Did Evolve Fitness Founders Matt & Mitch Partner With Purple Cow Internet To Provide Atlantic Canadians With........

No B.S. + Behind The Scenes Newsletters

Plus You'll Get Over $2000

Worth of resources, products and coaching to help you take your results to the next level from the comfort of your home 

All You Have To do is join Our monthly Cancel Anytime Membership and it's all FREE

AND your membership is good for the entire household!!!

When you join Evolve At Home, you'll also get a FREE month of Purple Cow Internet - that's a $60 value absolutely free.  Purple Cow not available in your area or already a subscriber? No problem, you'll get a free month month of Evolve At Home instead.

Here is what some of our most successful clients are saying

Before joining Evolve, I couldn't zip up my XL wetsuit.  Now I can easily fit into a medium.  I feel the best I ever have an the support of this community is incredible.

Cordelia Perry

Before joining Evolve, I was feeling overweight and worried I wouldn't know what to do.  Evolve has completely changed me into someone who loves to workout and I have endless energy to play with my kids.  I am also down 50 pounds and have better abs than Matt ;)

Brian Bailkowski

Before joining Evolve, I had joined every gym in Halifax but nothing stuck and I never got any support.  Evolve is AMAZING and so different than every other gym.  I have lost the weight, kept it off and am the most fit and strong I have ever been in my life.

Benny Holmes

Evolve is like home.  I joined as a client several years ago and achieved all of my fitness goals.  I've gone on to become a full time coach at Evolve who now has the pleasure of helping others attain what they didn't think was possible.

Coach Amy Muench

We want to gift you

$2000 worth of health, fitness and nutrition resources and coaching


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Plus, when you join Evolve At Home we are giving you 1 month of Purple Cow Internet completely free (you'll just pay the installation fee) 

Because every great online workout needs great internet from a local company!  You'll get affordable internet and affordable at home workouts from experts in the industry.  If you can't get Purple cow in your area or you already have it, we will give you your second month of Evolve at Home free instead!

I can't stress how amazing this offer is.  You are getting the kitchen sink of 14 years worth of coaching, knowledge and resources to ensure you are successful with your goals.

Think about it.  If you've been trying on your own, it's no wonder you may not have figured it out.  And you shouldn't have to, you are busy and fitness isn't your job - it's OUR job.

So instead of doing it alone, you can become part of the Evolve Fitness community.  You'll get around the clock expert coaching from our team and support from our amazing community.

You'll also have special opportunities to take part in our challenges and our community events that have raised over $900,000 for local charities and businesses in Atlantic Canada.

No B.S. + Behind The Scenes Newsletters + bonuses


You get when you join Evolve At Home today

No B.S. Newsletter
No B.S. Newsletter

Evolve At Home Membership

Atlantic Canada's only virtual training program that includes boot camps, cardio classes, yoga and our Evolve Fitness Forever over 50 small group program

What You Get With Evolve At Home

  • Live workouts
  • All workouts on demand
  • Monthly challenges
  • Monthly group coaching calls
  • Recipes & Nutrition Resources
  • Private Facebook community
  • Coach and support to your goals
  • Boot camps, cardio, yoga, Evolve Forever
  • Monthly VIP newsletter 

Free Gift #2 ($299 value)

Intro To Yoga Series

"Brass Balls Factor"
We all know we need to stretch and the benefits of yoga!

Too nervous to go to a class in person or feel too awkward to start?

We've got you covered with our virtual into to yoga series with Jen Harbin.
  • increase flexibility and mobility
  • increase muscle strength
  • improve respiration, energy & vitality
  • ​reduce injury risk
  • ​improve mental health
  • ​improve functional daily abilities

Free Gift #4 ($199 value)

Monthly Group Coaching Call With Matt

"Renegade Millionaire Time Management System"
Even Michael Jordan had a coach and a personal trainer.

You are busy and shouldn't have to figure it out yourself.

Leave it to an expert to help you with your goals.  Each month Matt will take questions and also talk about important health topics.  You'll get....
  •  Personal help and advice for your goals from Matt 
  • A community of support around you
  •  Resources and extra learning on topics related to your goals
  • ​An action plan to reach your goals

Free Gift #7 ($199 value)

8 Week Fat Loss Plan

"Midas Touch Marketing & Selling"
If fat loss is your goal, we have you covered!  In the fat loss plan, you'll get:

  •  A fat loss nutrition plan including a guide to calories and the types of foods to eat to reach your goals
  • A weekly workout schedule for all fitness levels
  • ​A goal setting and habit building session to help you pin point exactly what you'll need to see the best results.
  • Tips to improve your sleep, stress and other lifestyle habits needed for maximum fat loss.
  • ​Daily lessons and accountability to stay on track with your goals
Behind The Scenes Newsletter
Behind The Scenes Newsletter

Free Month Of Purple Cow

Amazing Internet, Only $60

You deserve fast, reliable and affordable internet.  Your first month is free, you only pay the installation fee.

Purple Cow Internet

  • $60/month
  • Up to 100 mbps
  • WiFi router included
  • Unlimited internet
  • You only pay the shipping for your modem

Free Gift # 1 ($99 value)

Quick Results Guide 

Action leads to motivation, not the other way around

Our quick start guide will give you all of the information you need to get started on your goals right away.

A collection of our best workouts, nutrition resources and tips from our most successful clients.

Use this guide to learn what to do right away to take action and start making progress starting today.

Free Gift #3 ($99 value)

14 Strong Challenge

"DotCom Secrets LIVE"
Want to take your results to the next level?

Take our 14 Day Strong Challenge

This challenge is NOT easy and is designed to get rapid results.  

Results you can expect in 14 days 
  • 6-10 pounds fat loss
  • ​2-5 inches off your waist
  • ​Vastly improved energy levels
  • ​Increased strength
  • ​Better mood and more confidence
  • ​Motivation to keep it going

Free Gift #5 ($200 value)

Your Choice-1 Month In Person Membership or 1 Free Evolve Challenge

"Expert Secrets LIVE"
Live close to our Halifax, Bedford, Darmouth or Elmsdale locations?

Join us for one month of complimentary in person sessions to help get in person with all of your goals (non members only)


Join one of our famous 6 week challenges absolutely free!
  • Our Halifax location is at 3667 Strawberry Hill.  Bedford is at 115 Western Parkway.  Dartmouth is 112 Woodlawn and Elmsdale is at 32 Park Rd.
  • 6 week challenges can be done in person or online and you can do a free challenge anytime during your membership (cannot be applied to Game Changer challenge)

Free Gift #8 ($199 value)

8 Week Muscle Building Plan

"Traffic Secrets LIVE"
Looking to build muscle while staying lean?  You can do this from home or you can do it at the gym.

You'll get:

  •  A muscle building workout program for both at home and at the gym.
  • A nutrition plan to help you gain muscle without gaining fat.  A guide to calories and macros for best success.
  • Supplement advice and tips.  Hint: creatine
  • Daily lessons and accountability to help you learn about your goals and stay on track

Free Gift #9 ($199 value)

Couch to 5k Running + Strength & Mobility Plan From The HFX Roadhammers

"Magnetic Marketing On Demand"
Always wanted to be a runner but not sure where to start?

Matt has brought in his running coach Lee from the Halifax Road Hammers to give you the best advice.

We've created a couch to 5km running program that is guaranteed to have you running a 5km PB while feeling stronger and more mobile than you ever have.

You'll get a running schedule, a workout schedule and a mobility routine for best success.

Free Gift #11 ($199 Value)

8 Week Beginner Boot Camp Program

"Brass Balls Factor"
Are you a beginner and not sure where to start?

We've got your back with an 8 week program that will have you feeling like a pro by the time you are finished.
  •  8 weeks of at home workouts for beginners to progress over time
  • Beginner nutrition guide
  • Daily lessons and a checklist of habits to complete to guarantee success
  • ​Resources for sleep, stress and other lifestyle habits to feel your best

Free Gift #13 ($99 Value)

21 Day Mobility Progam

Feeling tight when you wake up each morning? Take our 21 day mobility challenge!  
  •  Release muscle knots
  • Relieve inflammation
  • Increase range of motion & flexibility
  • ​Improve circulation

Free Gift #10 ($49 value)

Custom Evolve Fitness Swag

"Funnelology Masterclass"
Right to your doorstep we will send you an Evolve swag item that no one has ever owned before.  Rep your swag with pride, make use of the program and get results like never before

Free Gift #12 

$20 gift card for a new pair of shoes to Aerobics First

"DotCom Secrets LIVE"

Luke and Aerobics First are our favourite local business.  We will send you $20 for a new pair of shoes and hope you'll be able to connect <3

Free Gift #14 ($49 value)

A Guide To Supplements

"DotCom Secrets LIVE"
You are getting ads every single day about supplements and products that are a complete waste of money and time.  Inside our supplement guide you'll get the honest truth about supplements and which ones you should be taking.....and which to avoid!!  Learn about:
  •  Protein powder
  • Creatine
  • Pre-Workout
  • And more.....

What other clients are saying about Evolve Fitness

Monique O

Kelli S

Natasha B

When you join Evolve At Home,

You'll also get our brand new VIP newsletter each month right to your inbox.  This is for client's only and each month you'll get the best and most up to date fitness, nutrition and health information direct from Evolve coaches ($99 value)

No B.S. + Behind The Scenes Newsletters

Plus you'll get $2000

Worth of resources, coaching and information guaranteed to help you reach your goals

All of this just by joining evolve at home on a month to month basis

That's not all!

We want you to sign up today and we are going over the top to help you get amazing results

So we have MORE free gifts.

Here are the Bonus Free Gifts When You Sign Up Today

Craig Ballantye: Overcoming Anxiety & Your Perfect Week

Matt is lucky enough to call Craig Ballantyne his coach.  Craig is a best selling author who is an expert in overcoming anxiety and time management.

He's giving out free copies of TWO books for the first 1000 people who join Evolve At Home.

You'll get free access to The Perfect Week Formula and a presentation on overcoming anxiety just for joining Evolve At Home.
Dan Kennedy speaking on stage
Please Note: These will change your life :)

The Psychology Of Healthy Habits With Dr. Dayna Lee Baggley

We know "what to do", but sometimes trying harder just doesn't work.

Hear from long time Evolve client and friend Dr. Dayna Lee Baggley on the Psychology of Healthy Habits and how to build sustainable habits for life.

This special presentation was previously only available to VIP clients!
74 Funnel Swipe File book

Meal Prep & Planning With Victoria Shupe

The #1 skill you need for success to your health and fitness goals?

Meal planning and meal prep!

Hear from Precision Nutrition coach and MSVU Dietetics student Victoria Shupe with her best tips on meal prep and planning that works for you.

Magnetic Marketing book

So, what are you waiting for?

All you have to do is join Evolve At Home and you'll get all of this absolutely FREE.  Plus you'll get in the best shape of your life!

When you join today, you'll get all of this..

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  Quick Start Guide................................................................................................$99 value

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  Intro To Yoga Series..........................................................................................$299 value

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  14 Day Strong Challenge...................................................................................$99 value

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  Group Coaching Call With Matt...................................................................$199 value

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  1 Month In Person Membership OR 1 Month Free At Home...............$199 value

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  8 Week Fat Loss Plan.........................................................................................$199 value

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  8 Week Muscle Building Plan.........................................................................$199 value

  Couch To 5km Plan...........................................................................................$199 value

  8 Week Muscle Building Plan.........................................................................$199 value

  Custom Evolve Fitness Swag Bag....................................................................$49 value

  8 Week Beginner to Pro Workout Plan........................................................$199 value

  Samples & Discounts From AC Local Businesses........................................Priceless

  21 Day Mobility Program...................................................................................$49 value

  A Guide To Supplements...................................................................................$99 value

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 BONUS:  Two free books from Craig Ballantyne...........................................$80 value

 BONUS:  Psychology of healthy habits with Dr. Dayna Lee Baggley.......................................................................................................................$300 value

 BONUS:  Meal prep and planning with Victoria Shupe...............................$99 value

Total Value: $2500

Start Today For $39+hst/month

(month to month cancel anytime)

So, what's the catch?

Full honesty?....

It's pretty much a bribe.

Though we'd like to think of it as an ethical bribe.

1. It's our way of getting you involved.  Pandemics suck and many people were impacted by it in many ways.  We are really good at helping people with their workouts, nutrition and healthy habits.  With a little bribe to try us out we may be able to change your life together.  

2. We are good friends with the owners of Purple Cow & ECL.  We share similar personal and business values.  Affordable fitness, affordable internet and a community based approach with the focus on the customer.  You deserve the best without breaking the bank.

3. Unlike other "gurus," we aren't one trick wonders.  This isn't a cookie cutter program that we are throwing your way.  We work with our clients on their specific goals and needs and give you support and accountability along the way.  Time to get rid of the generic PDF programs and get into a personal program with coaches who care about you.

4. We get a chance to help you and then you may help us!  If you love the program and get awesome results, everyone is going to be asking you how you did it.  Hopefully you will share what we do and invite them to join you.

Why Time Is Of The Essence

This is a limited time offer, for a few different reasons.

1st) We only ordered 1000 shirts!  Once those are gone, the offer will close.  Yes, we can order more but there is a 12 week wait time so if this page it open, you can join us right away.

2nd) Yes! We want thousands of clients.  But not all at once.  We want you to have a personal experience with the group coaching and ability to get all of your questions answered to maximize your success.

3rd) Our low monthly price won't last forever.  This is a special price for new members who take advantage of this special offer.

Do you have a guarantee?

Yes we absolutely do.  We actually have TWO big guarantees 

Guarantee #1 - The Support You Deserve

We guarantee support We know the fitness journey will have many ups and downs...

That's why you'll have support from our team for your goals!  Email us anytime and you'll get a response within 48 hours guaranteed.

You don't have to feel alone anymore, second-guessing yourself. We truly care about your success, and that's why we'll be there every step of the way.
guarantee seal

Guarantee #2- Our ridiculous and unbelievable 365 day guarantee

We are really serious :)

Use Evolve At Home for 12 months and implement what you've learned.  If you aren't happy with your results, and you've given us a chance to help you personally then we will send you back a full refund of your investment.

No questions asked and you'll get to keep all of the free bonuses!

How can we have a guarantee this powerful?

Because we know what we do works when the right people join our program.

After 14 years in business and learning in the trenches with thousands of clients, we know that those who are motivated will be successful with their goals.

They just need some missing accountability and support from expert coaches and from their peers.

Imagine if you learned just one thing that made a huge impact on your health from our team of coaches.

How much would you pay for that? $1000, $2000?  Heck, maybe even a million if it meant you lived a full, longer and healthier life.  

Well all you have to do is pay 39+hst per month and you'll have a chance to get life changing and life saving workouts, nutrition tips and all the lifestyle advice you'll need.

Here is what to do next

From here it's just finalizing the details and getting your gifts ready to be shipped out!

Click on the green button below right now, pick what subscription plan you want to be on, and we can finally get started!

Thanks for taking the time to read this letter and I can't wait to get our new member welcome package into your hands!

Talk soon,
Mathew Benvie

It's time to take control of your health and fitness once and for all

YES, Matt & Mitch

 I am ready to join Evolve At Home (and I realize I am getting $2500 worth of free gifts to enhance my results)

I am excited to get started on my health and fitness goals and am ready to take action.

All you have to do is join us month to month and you'll get all we have to offer!

If you are still here

You must be thinking....
Is this for me?

Listen, the last thing we want if for you to click buy and then forget about us.  No way.

That's not how we work at Evolve Fitness.  We've completely revamped out virtual offering to ensure that you get the accountability, coaching and support you need to change your life.....once and for all.

What you are getting access to today is unlike any other virtual fitness program out there.

So I want to be crystal clear on who this is for.....
Dan Kennedy on stage
This is FOR YOU if you are ready to take action on your health and fitness goals.  This is for the person who doesn't live near a gym, doesn't like in person gyms or is too busy for the time commitment of working out anywhere but home.

This is for the person who wants someone else to do the "figuring it out".  You want to show up to a great workout every single time and not have to create the workouts for yourself.

You want strength, energy and a variety of live and recorded sessions for all of your goals.

Lastly, you want accountability.  You want peer support and expert coaching at your finger tips

It's simple, it's just not easy.  

We've got your back.
From the moment you join, you'll get access to all of our workouts, nutrition programs and challenges to get you started right away.

Your quick start guide, workout guide and nutrition guide will give you all the tools you need to create a successful routine that works for YOUR life.

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.  The second best time is right now!

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: Do I need any equipment for the workouts?

Answer : You don't need any specific equipment for the workouts and they can all be done with just your bodyweight.  It is helpful to have one dumbbell or weight and we can modify the workouts if you have more than one for a great workout.

Question: What is the schedule of live classes


Question: I don't want to commit to live classes, can I watch recorded workouts?

Answer:  Yes! You can join the live sessions with your camera off or on and then you can watch recordings 24/7 to make any workout fit your schedule.

Question: I am new to exercise and fitness, will this program work for me?

Answer:  Yes!  Many of our clients are new to exercise.  Try out our beginner to pro 8 week program and you'll go from never exercising to completing full virtual workouts.

Question: What can I expect my results will be after joining?

Answer:  Everyone is different and starting from their own unique place.  Everyone can expect to get stronger, have more energy, improved confidence and see their clothes fitting better.  If you follow our nutrition plan and our coaching on healthy habits you'll be able to reach any of your fat loss goals (if that is a goal).  We have clients who have lost "the last 10 pounds" or who have lost 100 pounds.  We will help coach you no matter your goal.

Question: Do I have direct access to the Evolve Fitness team?

Answer:  Yes!  Our team is active in the Facebook group and coaching calls to ensure that you have the support and coaching you need to reach all of your goals.





Question:  What if at home workouts just aren't for me?

Answer:  No problem! If at any time you aren't making the most of your membership, you can cancel without notice by emailing

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